Friday, November 11, 2011

A New Collection of Nyerere's Work to be Published Next Week !
Report from Detroit, USA
Twelve years after his death Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere will be immortalized once again after a new collection of his speeches and other literal works will be published by the foundation bearing his name. On November 16th, 2011 the Mwalimu Nyerere Foundation will release three collections of Nyerere’s works at a gala which will be followed by a public symposium.

The new collection of Nyerere’s works cover the years between 1974 and 1999. The three books will be available at the foundation and at the Oxford Printing Press in Dar-es-Salaam. Other arrangements are being made to have the books available at various bookstores and libraries around the country.

This new collection contains over 120 speeches that the Founding Father Mwalimu Nyerere gave on various national and international issues which were very dear to his heart as a political philosopher, Africa’s senior Statesman, and a humanist of a distinguished caliber. There are three volumes of the new collection which are titled Freedom and Liberation (Uhuru na Ukombozi wa Africa), Freedom, Non-Alignment and South-South Cooperation (Uhuru, Kutofungamana na Ushirikiano wa Nchi za Kusini), and Freedom and A New World Economic Order (Uhuru na Mfumo Mpya wa Uchumi Duniani).

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